
Welcome traveler! My, I wonder what could possibly have brought you so deep into these woods as to find my soggy old cabin? A remote place like this doesn’t exactly attract visitors, you know. No matter! Step inside, why don’t you? Here, have a seat by the fireplace. Let me just put the kettle on and I’ll share with you some of the stories from my younger days as a glory-seeking adventurer. No, don’t fall asleep! This’ll be good, promise.

Within the humble pages of this website you’ll find heroic tales forged through countless tabletop role-playing game sessions, primarily Dungeons & Dragons. Painstakingly transcribed from my goldfish-like memory, these posts intend to serve as an archive of all my adventures. Or rather, all my adventures since the site was launched in October 2023 along with a few foggily remembered older tales of particular note, complete with excessive footnotes. Enjoy!

Latest posts

The Royal Society of Hat-Wearing Foxes 

in Tales from the TableThe World Rune

Deep in the Feywild, there’s a castle full of foxes.

Drakkenheim Part 0: The Cast 

in Tales from the TableDungeons of Drakkenheim

Before heading down the deadly road to the even deadlier city of Drakkenheim, we made some characters. Here they are!

Well in One 

in Tales from the TableThe Astral Scroll

A silly little comic about the events of The Astral Scroll’s finale.

Things on this site

Tales from the Table

Home of all the stories from my RPG sessions.

Role-Playing Games

Herein lie all the RPG-related things that aren’t stories from my games.