Drakkenheim Part 0: The Cast

Posted on Aug 1, 2024 in Tales from the Table. Last updated on Aug 7, 2024.
Part of a series called Dungeons of Drakkenheim.

Before heading down the deadly road to the even deadlier city of Drakkenheim, we made some characters. Here they are!

Jolly Animal

Race: Tabaxi (cat person)
Class: Scout Rogue

Animal was a tiger-striped cat dude clad in dark leather armor. He’d lived in Drakkenheim long ago but moved before the meteor struck. He had nightmares about the city’s destruction ever since it happened and was determined to see for himself what awaited at the center of the crater and hopefully stop the nightmares.


Race: High Elf
Class: Totem Warrior Barbarian

Little is known about Melly. She ventured into Drakkenheim in search of a long-lost family heirloom.

Ryan Walker

Race: High Elf
Class: Samurai Fighter

Ryan lived in Drakkenheim when the meteor hit. Through some magical anomaly, he was flung fifteen years into the future and immediately returned to Drakkenheim to check on his brother.

Snes Ikris

Race: Kobold
Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer

Snes1 used to live in the sewers under Drakkenheim and managed to survive there even after the city was destroyed. Much like Animal, Snes was haunted by dreams of the meteor and wanted to venture to the center of the crater. He met the others after accidentally getting on a cart leaving the nearby town of Emberwood and was too afraid to get off.

Sonny Spellini

Race: Human
Class: Bladesinger Wizard

Sonny was a wizard without a hat. He accidentally burnt down a library of magic belonging to The Amethyst Academy. His mission was to secretly repay them by bringing them lost magic from within the city.

  1. The player claims she wasn’t aware of the video game console of the same name. ↩︎